Free 0870 numbers , Free 0845 numbers - 0870 numbers from IC communications
Telecom Solutions
0870 numbers, 0845 numbers
0700 numbers as well as 0844
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browse our 0870 numbers,  and 0845 numbers Welcome, we supply 0870 and 0845 numbers as well as 0700 numbers
0870 numbers, 0845 numbers


- Non Geographic number
- Free Redirection

More information on 0870 number


- Always be contactable
- Only £10 p/a

More information on 0700 numbers


- Local rate number
- Only £29.99 p/a

More information on 0845 numbers


- Free 0844 number
- Free Redirection
- Free additional options

More information on 0870 number


- Non Geographic number
- Free Redirection

More information on 0870 number

0870 number Hunt group

What is a hunt group?

Hunt groups are a series of landline numbers that your 0845, 0870 or 0871 number will try to connect to. If the first specified number is engaged or not answered the call will be diverted to the next and so on until your number has ‘hunted’ an available number. For example your 0870 number could be configured to call your sales line first and if that’s engaged forward it to your admin department or onto a message taking service.

How much does this cost?

To add hunt group to your order it costs just £10.00 to be added to an 0870 number.

This means to order an 0870 number and the hunt group it would cost a total of £19.99 as 0870 numbers are £9.99

Wish to order?

The button below will order an 0870 number including hunt group service.




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